Photos of Argentina
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Fabien Romero, called Chavi, is an old hunter and used to be an Indian slayer. He lives on the estancia “Miraflores” (Santa Fe province) and is said to be 112 to 115 years old. Like all Argentines, he likes to sip his mate tea. - 1973
A lumberjack from the north of the Santa Fe province enjoys his earned mate. - 1973
Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is the “green gold” of the province of Misiones, which has a tropical climate. The plantations of hierba mate cover an area of 200,000 hectares and yield an annual production of 95,000 tonnes. The zones where this shrub thrives are called hierbales. It takes four years for the plant to reach maturity. Each bush yields thirty kilos of green leaves, which results in ten kilos of dried leaves. It can be used for fifty years. The herb is used to brew the national drink, a refreshing, stimulating tea. - 1973
A hierbal near EI Dorado (Misiones province), whose current owners are from Switzerland. These two men, the tareferos, fill a raido with mate branches. One such bale - the jute fabric is called ponchada - weighs a hundred kilos. - 1973
On this chair, a gaucho has laid out his indispensable daily utensils: the chambergo (hat), the bolas, the leather lasso, the riding whip, the facón (knife), the tirador (belt), the stirrups, the bombilla and the mate. - 1973