6 results
Huaco Inca on the north coast - with a dead man - Anthropological Museum - Lima - 1969
Double vase with monkeys - height 16 cm - Inca Norteño - Museo Brüning Lambayeque - 1976
Inca norteño - cat with open mouth - height 19.5 cm - Museo Brüning Lambayeque - 1976
Inca Norteño - Black ceramic - length 26 cm - Museo Brüning Lambayeque - 1976
Musicians - Inca Norteño - weight 3 g each, height 33 mm - silver, copper and gold alloy - 15th century - Brüning Lambayeque Museum - 1976
Aríbalo with tassels - Inca Norteño - height 19 cm - Museo Brüning Lambayeque - 1976