Pre-Inca cultures
167 results
The legends are only available in German, French or SpanishPeintures rupestres de Mazo Cruz, à 4500 mètres (département de Puno, Pérou). Quel Champollion déchiffrera les fresques pariétales des cavernes sacrées de Kelkatani, la «pierre écrite» entre 7000 et 10.000 ans? Ces danses cynégétiques de chorégraphes archaïques, auréolés de plumes, furent peintes à l'ocre rouge sur un kran granitique large de 26 mètres et haut de 6, par le chaman d'une mystérieuse civilisation d'altitude.
The legends are only available in German, French or SpanishSorte de «Jérusalem» des Andes, le célèbre site archéologique de Chavin de Huantar s'élève à 3 200 mètres dans la Cordillera Blanca. D'insolites stèles gravées y ont été mises au jour. Celle-ci est ornée d'un grand prêtre-dieu d'un culte magico-religieux qui influença tout l'ancien Pérou environ deux mille ans av. J.C. Portant un sceptre, coiffés et ceinturés de serpents, les étranges personnages de Chavin sont souvent ailés. Crocs et griffes de félins ou serres de rapace sont caractéristiques du style. (Hauteur de la stèle, 78 centimètres; largeur, 70 centimètres.)
The legends are only available in German, French or SpanishLes tombeaux pillés des Nazcas (IIIe - VIIIe siècle) du Pérou méridional ont livré des milliers de huacas polychromes, figuratifs ou abstraits, qui forment une véritable «encyclopédie par l'image». Par la finesse de la pâte, la perfection des formes et la stylisation poussée du dessin, la céramique nazca relève d'un art inimitable qui rend hommage aux défunts et aux dieux. (Collection privée, Lima, Pérou.)
The legends are only available in German, French or SpanishLe monolithe Ponce, l'un des dieux pétrifiés «géants» et «pleureurs» de la «Mecque» bolivienne, mesure 3 mètres de hauteur. Il est entièrement gravé de glyphes géométriques indéchiffrables. Trois larmes carrées ruissellent de ses yeux d'où tombe, sur le côté, une «aile» à tête stylisée de poisson. Des anneaux entourent ses chevilles.
The legends are only available in German, French or SpanishTrès fréquentes sur les cimes de l'altiplano du Collao qui cerne le lac Titicaca, de bizarres chulipas monolithiques logeaient les chefs de haut rang momifiés, d'une mystérieuse race «d'avant que le soleil apparaisse». Haute de 12 mètres, la tour funéraire tronquée de Cutimbo, près de Puno, s'élargit d'une corniche supérieure. Elle est sculptée de pumas en relief à la base.
The legends are only available in German, French or SpanishPiquillacta: De curieuses figurines en turquoise ont été mises au jour dans ce grand centre pré-inca (Culture Huari 800-1200 ap. J.-C.) qu'occupèrent ensuite les empereurs du Cuzco. (Museo e Instituto de Arqueologia de la Universidad de Cuzco)
The legends are only available in German or SpanishDetail eines Stoffes der Vorinkazeit aus Puruchuco im Rímactal mit einem für die Kulturen der zentralperuanischen Pazifikküste charakteristischen Vogelmotiv in geometrischer Stilisierung, wie es besonders in Arbeiten der Chancay-Kultur häufig erscheint. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or Spanish«La Cueva de las Manos» ist ein schwer zugängliches Abri oberhalb des Río Pinturas, zwischen Bajo Caracoles und Perito Moreno in der argentinischen Provinz Santa Cruz. Die Bedeutung der Hände ist nicht geklärt, ist jedoch sicher magischen Charakters. Die Malerei gehört zum Kreis der Toldense-Kultur, deren Alter bis auf etwa 8000 v. Chr. zurück geschätzt wird. Sie gehören heute zum Weltkulturerbe. - 1973
The legends are only available in German or SpanishChavín-Kultur, Peru. Die gewaltige Tempelanlage in der Nähe des Dorfes Chavín de Huántar hinter der Cordillera Blanca, in der sich diese Reliefplatten befinden, gab einer Kultur den Namen, deren Einfluss in weitem Umkreis und in späteren kulturellen Formen festgestellt werden kann, so dass sie mit einer gewissen Berechtigung als Mutterkultur bezeichnet werden darf. Immer wiederkehrende Motive sind der Jaguar (dieses Bild) oder Mischwesen aus Raubkatze, Schlange und Kondor und Krieger mit Raubtierzähnen, Kondorkrallen und Schlangenhaaren oder Haaren mit Kondorköpfen. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishChavín-Kultur, Peru. Die gewaltige Tempelanlage in der Nähe des Dorfes Chavín de Huántar hinter der Cordillera Blanca, in der sich diese Reliefplatten befinden, gab einer Kultur den Namen, deren Einfluß in weitem Umkreis und in späteren kulturellen Formen festgestellt werden kann, so daß sie mit einer gewissen Berechtigung als Mutterkultur bezeichnet werden darf. Immer wiederkehrende Motive sind der Jaguar oder Mischwesen aus Raubkatze, Schlange und Kondor und Krieger mit Raubtierzähnen, Kondorkrallen und Schlangenhaaren (dieses Bild) oder Haaren mit Kondorköpfen. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishDetail aus der Tempelanlage des Cerro Sechín im Casmatal an der peruanischen Pazifikküste. Der Komplex aus rund neunzig zum Teil gewaltigen Monolithplatten wird dem Küsten-Chavín-Stil zugeordnet, obwohl die Reliefs wenig mit den anderen altperuanischen Steinarbeiten zu tun haben und eher Ähnlichkeiten mit der mexikanischen Monte-Albán-Kultur aufweisen. Die im Profil dargestellten Figuren blicken alle zum Haupteingang des Tempels. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishDie «Ponce»-Monolithfigur in der Kalasasaya (Aimara für «aufgestellten Stein»), Tiahuanaco, Bolivien. Die mit geometrischen Ornamenten übersäte Stele ist ungefähr vier Meter hoch. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishKeramik-Räuchergefäß in Raubkatzenform (20 cm Höhe) der Tiahuanaco-Kultur (4. Epoche, 667 n. Chr.). Der Schwanz ist als Henkelgriff geformt, und der in der Rückenschale entfachte Rauch entweicht durch die Augen. Instituto Nacional de Arqueología, La Paz, Bolivien. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishKeramikstandbild Naymlaps, des mythischen Gründers des Chimúreiches (Höhe 18 cm). Museo Arqueológico Brüning, Lambayeque, Peru. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishGoldene Totenmaske der Chimú (Breite 31 cm). Privatsammlung, Schweiz. - 1969
The legends are only available in German or SpanishAnthropomorpher Krug aus der Zweiten Phase der Atacama-Kultur (Höhe 19 cm) in der typischen schwarzen Keramik. Museo San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishSchädel mit Stirnband aus einem Atacameño-Grab der Zweiten Phase im Fundort Quitor 6, Atacamawüste. Das Grab enthielt nur den Schädel ohne das restliche Skelett. Solche rituellen Schädelbestattungen sind bisher von keiner anderen Fundstelle Südamerikas bekannt geworden. Museo San Pedro de Atacama, Chile. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishFelsmalereien von Toquepala, Departement Moquegua, Peru. In den Höhlen von Toquepala fand man Spuren menschlicher Besiedlung, die mit der Radiokarbonmethode auf ein Alter von rund 10‘000 Jahren datiert wurden. Dies beweist allerdings nicht, dass die sich zum Teil überschneidenden Malereien ebenso alt sind. Obwohl sie stilistisch durchaus einer altsteinzeitlichen Jägerbevölkerung zugeschrieben werden dürfen, könnten sie auch von späteren Menschen stammen, standen doch verschiedene Stämme Patagoniens und Südchiles bis in die neueste Zeit auf einer vergleichbaren Kulturstufe. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishFlachrelief einer menschlichen Figur (Höhe 25 cm) der Recuay-Kultur im Santatal, Peru, aus der Klassischen Epoche. Museo Regional de Ancash, Huaraz. Peru. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishRelief eines Kriegers mit Kopftrophäe und Schild (Höhe 32 cm). Recuay-Kultur. Museo Regional de Ancash, Huaraz, Peru. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishDie Zentralfigur des Sonnentores von Tiahuanaco, Bolivien. Wie bei der Figur auf der Raimondi-Stele (Chavín-Kultur) ist der Kopf annähernd so groß wie der Körper. In beiden Händen hält der Sonnengott Zepter, die in Kondorköpfen auslaufen, sein Haar endet in Schlangen - und Jaguarköpfen. Tränen als Symbol der Fruchtbarkeit und des Regens laufen über sein Gesicht. Umgeben ist er von 148 geflügelten, ihm zugewandten Gestalten, die man als Sinnbild von Bewegung und Zeit deutete. Die Tiahuanaco-Kultur hat die Inka-Zivilisation am direktesten geprägt. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishEine «Ídolo de Frías» genannte, da im Frías-Stil gearbeitete goldene Figur, die jedoch der Vicús-Kultur an der nordperuanischen Küste zugeschrieben wird. Sie wurde aus sechzehnkarätigem Gold getrieben und gelötet (Höhe 15,5 cm, Gewicht 60 g). Museo Arqueológico Brüning, Lambayeque, Peru. - 1976
The legends are only available in German or SpanishGriff eines Schnupftabakbrettchens der Atacameños (Fundort: Coyo oriental) aus geschnitztem schwarzem Holz mit Muschelapplikationen (Breite oben: 7 cm). Formal erinnert die Darstellung an die zentrale Figur des Sonnentores in Tiahuanaco (vgl. Bild 124). Museo San Pedro de Atacama. Chile. - 1976
"Las Ventanillas de Otuzco" is an archaeological site in the district of Baños del Inca, 8 km northwest of the city of Cajamarca. The individual windows are tombs from the pre-Inca period. - 1976
Arrowheads - in natural glass or meteorite showers - Neolithic period - Origin: Sequitor Alambrado, San Pedro de Atacama - Museum San Pedro de Atacama - Chile - 1976
Female skull with hair band - Atacameña culture second phase - Origin: Coyo Oriental - Museum San Pedro de Atacama - Chile - 1976
Skull of a child - Second phase of the Atacameña culture - Origin: Quitor (province of Antofagasta) - Museo San Pedro de Atacama - Chile - 1976
Skull of a man with Bonnet-Turban - with a blanket with geometrical figures - Atacameña culture second phase - Origin: Coyo Oriental - Museum San Pedro de Atacama - Chile - 1976
Mummy of a young woman - Second phase of the Atacameña culture - 300 BC - Origin: Solor - Museum San Pedro de Atacama - Chile - 1976
Mummy of a woman with child - Atacameña culture second phase - blanket with borders - volcanic rock and turquoise necklace - Origin: Sequitor Alambrado - Museum San Pedro de Atacama - Chile - 1976
Abstract anthropomorphic bottle - Second phase of the Atacameña culture - Height 18,5 cm - Museum San Pedro de Atacama (Antofagasta province) - Chile - 1976
Two anthropomorphic bottles, naturalistic left 19 cm, abstract right 18,5 cm - Second phase of the Atacameña culture - Museum San Pedro de Atacama (Antofagasta province) - Chile - 1976
Carob wood duck - length 18 cm - Atacameña culture - Origin: Quitor - Museum San Pedro de Atacama (province Antofagasta) - Chile - 1976
Vessel Incisa - diameter 18,5 cm - Atacameña culture, last period of the second phase - Museum San Pedro de Atacama (Antofagasta province) - Chile - 1976
Basket with figure with axe and 3 javelins - diameter 35 cm - Atacameña culture second phase - Museum San Pedro de Atacama (Antofagasta province) - Chile - 1976
Detail of a basket with figure with axe and 3 throwing spears - diameter 35 cm - Atacameña culture second phase - Museum San Pedro de Atacama (Antofagasta province) - Chile - 1976
Snuff set - Origin: Quitor - Museum San Pedro de Atacama (province Antofagasta) - Chile - 1976
Tablet male - Origin: Coyo Oriental - Museum San Pedro de Atacama (Province of Antofagasta) - Chile - 1976
Tablet female - Origin: Quitor - Museo San Pedro de Atacama (Provincia Antofagasta) - Chile - 1976
On the Bolivian plateau, the legendary creator god Kon Tiki Viracocha guards the secrets of a sunken world like a "sphinx". In the mask of a radiation-framed puma, he adorns the famous sun gate of Tiahuanaco, which consists of a single block of andesite, almost 3 m high and 4 m wide, weighing almost 10 tons. - 1976
View from the semi underground temple of Tiahuanaco to the monumental staircase with the six stone steps and the large restored entrance gate to the Kalasasaya. In the centre the "Ponce" stele of the Shrine of the Sun. - 1976
The Patio Hundido ("sunken courtyard") of Tiahuanaco is an almost square complex with a side length of about 28 m and is surrounded by an enclosure wall about 2 m high and with stone heads. - 1976
This Cabeza clava is located in the Parque monolios in La Paz. - 1976
Vessel for grave goods - Tiahuanaco culture - year 667 to 1000 - height 18 cm - Museo Nacional de Arqueología del Instituto Nacional de Arqueología - Bolivia - 1976
Grave vessel of the Tiahuanaco culture 5th period - year 1000 to 1100 - height 12 cm - Museo Nacional de Arqueología del Instituto Nacional de Arqueología - Bolivia - 1976
Ceremonial vessel with a crowned snake - 4th period of the Tiahuanaco culture - years 667 to 1000 - height 8 cm - Museo Nacional de Arqueología del Instituto Nacional de Arqueología - Bolivia - 1976
Ceramic vase with modelled head of a figure from the 4th period of the Tiahuanaco culture - on the cheek a bulge due to the use of coca - the arrows represent the main organs of the person: the visor and the ear - height 14 cm - Museo Nacional de Arqueología del Instituto Nacional de Arqueología - Bolivia - 1976
Vessel with a ceramic portrait of an anthropomorphic head of a figure from the 5th period of the Tiahuanaco culture - the arrows represent the main organs of the person: the sight and the ear - Height 11 cm - Museo Nacional de Arqueología del Instituto Nacional de Arqueología - Bolivia - 1976
Wooden kero with anthropomorphic head - height 19 cm - Museo Nacional de Arqueología del Instituto Nacional de Arqueología - Bolivia - 1976
Large ceremonial kero - height 47.5 cm - the head is related to the sun gate of Tiahuanaco - 4th epoch - Museo Nacional de Arqueología del Instituto Nacional de Arqueología - Bolivia - 1976
Vessel in Tiahuanaco style - Height 12 cm - Place of discovery: Pukará de Quitor (province Antofagasta) - Museum San Pedro de Atacama - Chile - 1976
Rock paintings of Mazo Cruz, 4500 m above sea level (Puno department, Peru). Which Champollion will ever be able to interpret the 7000 to 10 000 year old wall frescoes of the "described stone" in the holy caves of Kelkatani? The dances of the hunters decorated with a wreath of feathers were painted with red ochre paint on a granite surface of 26 by 6 metres and bear witness to a mysterious highland civilisation. - 1976
The Chavín culture, which we know mainly through its stonemasonry, belongs to the developmental period of pre-Columbian Peru. - 1969
The Chavín religion is characterised by a cult in honour of the condor. The very schematic representation of this giant vulture is also found on stone slabs that decorate the temple of the Chavín site in the Cordillera. - 1969
The Lanzón of Chavín is a sacred monolith or wanka that belongs to the Chavín culture. It is carved in irregular granite, 4.54 m high and is located in its original location in a sector of an interior gallery of the Old Temple of Chavín. It is called the "Lanzón" because it has the shape of a giant spire whose ends are firmly embedded in the floor and ceiling of the gallery. It has three sides covered with engraved motifs representing a deity with human features mixed with those of animals. It is the largest of the sculptures or monoliths preserved from the Chavín culture. - 1969
Chavín Culture, Peru. Recurring motifs are the jaguar as in this picture or a mixture of predatory cat, snake and condor and warriors with predator teeth, condor claws and snake hair or hair with condor heads. This relief plate is located at the edge of a circular square between the old and the new temple. - 1976
On one of these blocks is carved the image of a mythical creature that today's archaeologists call "Medusa", but in reality it is the representation of the same mythical creature of the New Temple period that was carved on the " Lanzón " of the Old Temple. - 1976
The heads of nails (Cabezas clavas) are a series of sculptures representing heads of cats, snakes and birds, combined with human features. They owe this name to the fact that they end like a nail in an extension, which meant that they could easily be embedded into the façade of the temple at symmetrical intervals. One theory assumes that they were the guardians of the temple. They were carved in sandstone of different consistency, quartzite and granite. Unfortunately, of the 56 who were there, only one is still on site. The others have disappeared or are kept in museums. - 1976
The heads of nails (Cabezas clavas) are a series of sculptures representing heads of cats, snakes and birds, combined with human features. One theory assumes that they were the guardians of the temple. They were carved in sandstone of different consistency, quartzite and granite. Unfortunately, of the 56 who were there, only one is still on site. The others have disappeared or are kept in museums. - 1969
The heads of nails (Cabezas clavas) are a series of sculptures representing heads of cats, snakes and birds, combined with human features. They have been carved in sandstone of different textures, quartzite and granite. Unfortunately, of the 56 that were there, only one is still on site. The others have disappeared or are kept in museums. - 1969
The heads of nails (Cabezas clavas) are a series of sculptures representing heads of cats, snakes and birds, combined with human features. They have been carved in sandstone of different textures, quartzite and granite. Unfortunately, of the 56 that were there, only one is still on site. The others have disappeared or are kept in museums - 1969
During the excavations in Chavín, fragments of stone slabs with anthropomorphic figures were found, probably belonging to a roof cornice. - 1969
This stele shows a figure of a magical-religious cult, under whose influence the whole of ancient Peru was under around 1000 BC. The figure carries a sceptre; hair and belt are made of snakes. Most of these peculiar representations of Chavín also have wings; fangs, cat's claws or birds of prey claws are characteristic features. - 1969
Chavín Culture ceramics with a bird - Private collection, Lima - 1969
Typical ceramics of the Chavín culture - Private collection, Lima - 1969
Ceramic Huaco of the Chavín Culture - Private collection - Lima - 1969
One of the few, if not the only fabric preserved from the Chavín culture: painted cotton and again the familiar motifs of fangs, feather snakes and condor claws. - Museo Amano, Lima, Peru. - 1976
Detail from the temple complex of Cerro Sechín in the Valley of Casma on the Peruvian Pacific coast. The complex of around ninety monolithic slabs, some of them enormous, is attributed to the coastal Chavín style, although the reliefs have little in common with other ancient Peruvian stonework and show more similarities with the Mexican Monte Albán culture. - 1976
Detail from the temple complex of Cerro Sechín in the Casmatal on the Peruvian Pacific coast. The complex of around ninety monolithic slabs, some of which are enormous, is attributed to the coastal Chavín style, although the reliefs have little in common with other ancient Peruvian stonework and show more similarities with the Mexican Monte Albán culture. The figures in profile all look towards the main entrance of the temple. - 1976
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with human figures carrying fans and ceremonial staffs in their hands. Private collection. - 1969
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with a stylised reptile. The whole cloth has 9 figures and measures 2.50m x 1.18m. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1977
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with four warriors with masks. In one hand they are holding a trophy head, in the other apparently a musical instrument. Four trophy heads hang from the trousers. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1977
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture. On the dress are trophy heads. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1969
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with stylised birds. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1969
Detail at the edge of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture. Each person carries two trophy heads. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1977
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with a stylised person carrying wings. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1969
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with a stylised cat (11 cm). Museo de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín - Arequipa - 1976
Chan Chan was the capital of the pre-Columbian Chimú Empire. Best preserved is the Tschudi area, named after the Swiss researcher Tschudi. The palace is now known as Palacio Nik-An. This area is being restored and is open to tourists. Here you can still see some of the banqueting halls with their magnificent decorations. - 1969
The "Huaca del Dragon", or as it is also called, rainbow temple, is located outside the city of Trujillo near Chan Chan. It is a large religious monument, ceremonial and administrative centre made of mud bricks, whose murals are decorated with relief friezes depicting anthropomorphic figures and depicting the rainbow in stylised form. - 1969
Detail eines Federkleides - Chimú-Kultur - Amano-Museum - Lima - 1976
Gold death mask - Chimú culture - width 32 cm - Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1977
Coastal ceramics influenced by the Chimú culture - Height 16 cm - Museo Regional de Ancash - Huaraz - 1976
Black, shiny ceramics of the Chimú-Inca culture - height 29 cm - Museo Arqueológico Brünning - Lambayeque - 1976
Chimú-Lambayeque Culture - XII. Century - Diameter: 10 cm - Weight 25 g - Burial figure dressed with an ornamental skirt and a burial mask on the face - consists of equal parts of gold, silver and copper - cast and hammered - Museo Arqueológico Brünning - Lambayeque - 1976
Two gold vases with turquoise inlays - - 1977
Gold vase of the Chimú culture - Height 20,5 cm, diameter on top 17 cm - Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología - Lima - 1977
Gold vase and ear pendant of the Chimú culture - height of the vase 20,5 cm - diameter top 17 cm - Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología - Lima - 1977
Bangle, pin and earrings of the Chimú culture - Private collection - 1969
Chimú breast jewellery - with 166 faces, silver figures - Origin: Lambayeque - Archaeological Museum Brünning - Lambayeque - 1976
The golden tumi of Íllimo was a knife or ceremonial axe of the Lambayeque culture (8th to 14th centuries), although it was long wrongly attributed to the Chimú culture. It was made of embossed gold leaf and inlaid with semi-precious stones. Its blade had a semi-circular shape and its handle was an elaborate representation of a deity, probably the mythical Naylamp mentioned in Spanish chronicles. It is the most famous example of old Peruvian goldsmithing. It was stolen from the Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology in Lima in 1981. The valuable stolen piece had the following dimensions: Total length 43.5 cm; length of the figure of the god 29 cm; length of the knife in the shape of a half-moon 14.5 cm; maximum width 15.5 cm. The weight was 1 kilogram. - 1977
Tumi of gold, ceremonial axe - Height 35,4cm - Weight 457,5 g - 22 carat - set with turquoise - Chimú culture - Museo Oro del Perú - Lima - 1977
Tumi of gold, ceremonial axe - Chimú culture - Private collection - Lima - 1969
Lambayeque culture - gold tumi with turquoise inlays, representing the deity "Naymlap" - 22 carat - weight 536 g - Museo Oro del Perú - Lima - 1977
Gold and silver cast brooch of the Chimú Lambayeque culture - hammered and embossed work - with shells and earrings in turquoise - 12th century - Height 4.5 cm, weight 7 g - Museo Arqueológico Brünning - Lambayeque - 1976
Detail of a pre-Inca fabric. Height 43 cm, width 29 cm. There are 15 motifs on the fabric, it measures 3.22 m by 1.57 m. - Museo Puruchuco - Lima - 1976
Detail of a pre-Inca fabric. There are 15 motifs on the fabric and it measures 3.22 m by 1.57 m. - Museo Puruchuco - Lima - 1976
Feather hat - 12th century - Contents of a burial bundle - Ceremonial dress of feathers interspersed with silver - Puruchuco Museum - Lima - 1976
Fabrics of wool and cotton - Mochica culture - Origin Chiquitoy, Trujillo - Museo Amano - Lima - 1976
Tissue of the Nazca Culture - Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1977
Gold bracelet of the Nazca culture - Colobri figures in flight and rings in high relief - 18 carat - Weight 60 g - Length 14.2 cm, width 7 cm - Museo Oro del Perú - Lima - 1977
Bottle with double spout and bridge from the Nazca culture depicting a Nazca god - age ca. 1700 years - height 22 cm - found in the Hacienda Cahuachi - Department Ica - Regional Museum of Ica - 1969
Bottle with double spout and bridge from the Nazca culture depicting a Nazca god - age ca. 1700 years - height 22 cm - found in the Hacienda Cahuáchi - Department Ica - Regional Museum of Ica - 1969
Ceramic drinking vessel of the Nazca culture in the shape of a fish - Museo Regional de Ica - 1969
Nazca culture ceramic bottle - Museo Regional de Ica - 1969
Nazca culture ceramic bottle representing a monkey - Museo Regional de Ica - 1969
Bottle with double spout and bridge from the Nazca culture - Private collection, Lima - 1969
Nazca culture ceramic vase - Private collection, Lima - 1969
Doll from Chancay - Height 35 cm - Private collection - Lima - 1976
Doll from Chancay - Height 34 cm - Private collection - Lima - 1976
Belt with male figures in cotton and wool - width 10,2 cm - Museo Amano - Lima - 1976
Chancay fabric with stylised personified animals - Height 22.5 cm - Width 8 cm - Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima
Vicús culture ceramic vase - Museo Regional de Ica - 1969
Vicus-Frías culture - golden hair remover - 20 carats - weight 41,5 g - height 13 cm - Museo "Oro del Perú" Miguel Mujica Gallo - Lima - 1977
Ceramic of the Mochica culture - Private collection - 1969
Ceramic huaco of the Chimú culture - Private collection - Lima - 1969
Ceramic huaco of the Mochica culture - Private collection - Lima - 1969
Ceramic huaco with a toucan - culture Mochica - Private collection - Lima - 1969
Big pot with cat relief - tricolour - 3 cats with body and head - found in Jancu near Huaraz, Ancash - culture Recuay - Regional museum of Huaraz - 1976
Huaylas ceramics - Representation of the sun deity on the back. Height 17,5 cm - Place of discovery Jancu near Huaraz, Ancash - Museo Regional de Huaraz - 1976
Ceramic vessel Huaylas with a cat-like creature in negative painting - Height 23 cm - Place of discovery Jancu near Huaraz - culture Recuay - Museo Regional de Huaraz - 1976
Ceramics of the culture Santa, Huari period, with two monkeys and snakes with human head - Height 20,5 cm - Museo Regional de Huaraz - 1976
Ceramics of the culture Santa, Huari period, with two monkeys and a musician playing on the zampoña - on the vessel a stylized cat animal is painted - Height 26 cm - Museo Regional de Huaraz - 1976
Human figure with child carved in stone - Height 84 cm - culture Recuay - Museo Regional de Huaraz - 1976
Human figure carved in stone - Height 97 cm - culture Recuay - Museo Regional de Huaraz - 1976
Stone slab with man and two pumas - width 1.65 m - culture Recuay - Museo Regional de Huaraz - 1976
Stone slab with two pumas and two birds - height 57 cm - culture Recuay - Museo Regional de Huaraz - 1976
Stone slab with two pumas and a human holding two trophy heads - Height 38 cm, width 1.69 m - Height of the human 32 cm - culture Recuay - Museo Regional de Huaraz - 1976
Stone figure of the Huaylas type - Private collection - Lima - 1969
Very often, on the heights of the Collao Altiplano around Lake Titicaca, one finds those strange monolithic chullpas, mummy graves of high leaders and members of a mysterious race that existed "before the sun rose". In Sillustani, on the Umayo peninsula on the lake of the same name, there are twelve tomb towers, some of which have collapsed. - 1976
Very often, on the heights of the Collao Altiplano around Lake Titicaca, one finds those strange monolithic chullpas, mummy graves of high leaders and members of a mysterious race that existed "before the sun rose". In Sillustani, on the Umayo peninsula on the lake of the same name, there are twelve tomb towers, some of which have collapsed. - 1969
Very often, on the heights of the Collao Altiplano around Lake Titicaca, one finds those strange monolithic chullpas, mummy graves of high leaders and members of a mysterious race that existed "before the sun rose". In Sillustani, on the Umayo peninsula on the lake of the same name, there are twelve tomb towers, some of which have collapsed. This tower has the relief of a lizard. - 1969
Detail of the wall of a square Chullpa of Cotimbo near Puno on Lake Titicaca. - 1969
The square shape of a Chullpa is very rare - Cotimbo near Puno on Lake Titicaca - 1969
Very often, on the heights of the Collao Altiplano around Lake Titicaca, one finds those strange monolithic chullpas, mummy graves of high-ranking leaders and members of a mysterious race that existed "before the sun rose". The blunt, 12 m high burial tower of Cutimbo, near Puno, has a relief with pumas at its base.
This puma head is part of a well in Juli - Puno - 1976
The petroglyphs of Toro Muerto are located in the Majes valley and are spread over an area of 5 km². It is perhaps the richest area of rock art in the world; it has more than 6'000 blocks engraved in bas-relief. These blocks have been engraved with all kinds of geometric and anthropomorphic representations, birds, quadrupeds, reptiles, etc. - 1976
Detail of a Tiahuanaco fabric, 160x62 cm, made of cotton and wool - Origin: Campanario, Huarmey - Amano Museum - Lima - 1976
Tiahuanaco warrior mummy from the coast - Nazca Valley - Regional Museum of Ica - 1976
Burial bundles of the coastal Tiahuanaco culture - Nazca Valley - 11th century - Regional Museum of Ica - 1976
Tiahuanaco fabric with four hands in red - Amano-Museum - Lima - 1976
Tiahuanaco culture ceramic vessel - Private collection Pelloni - Lima - 1969
Plate of the coastal Tiahuanaco culture - Nazca valley - 11th century - diameter 26 cm - Regional Museum of Ica - 1976
Coastal Tiahuanaco - Vessel with anthropomorphic representation of a warrior - Nazca valley - Height 32 cm - 10th century - Ica Regional Museum - 1969
Coastal Tiahuanaco - Vessel with anthropomorphic representation of a warrior - Nazca valley - Height 32 cm - 10th century - Ica Regional Museum - 1976
Ceramics of the coastal Tiahuanaco culture in the form of a man (priest?) with a Kero in his hands - 11th century - Nazca Valley - Museo Regional de Ica - 1976