Pre-Inca cultures
29 results
The legends are only available in German, French or Spanish Les tisserands Paracas, qui vivaient sur la côte sud du Pérou il y a plus de 2000 ans, ont confectionné de remarquables étoffes couvertes de dessins symboliques (Museo antropológico, Lima).
The legends are only available in German or SpanishDetail eines Stoffes der Vorinkazeit aus Puruchuco im Rímactal mit einem für die Kulturen der zentralperuanischen Pazifikküste charakteristischen Vogelmotiv in geometrischer Stilisierung, wie es besonders in Arbeiten der Chancay-Kultur häufig erscheint. - 1976
One of the few, if not the only fabric preserved from the Chavín culture: painted cotton and again the familiar motifs of fangs, feather snakes and condor claws. - Museo Amano, Lima, Peru. - 1976
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with human figures carrying fans and ceremonial staffs in their hands. Private collection. - 1969
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with a stylised reptile. The whole cloth has 9 figures and measures 2.50m x 1.18m. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1977
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with four warriors with masks. In one hand they are holding a trophy head, in the other apparently a musical instrument. Four trophy heads hang from the trousers. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1977
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture. On the dress are trophy heads. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1969
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with stylised birds. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1969
Detail at the edge of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture. Each person carries two trophy heads. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1977
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with a stylised person carrying wings. Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1969
Detail of a mummy cloth (manto) of the Paracas necropolis culture with a stylised cat (11 cm). Museo de la Universidad Nacional de San Agustín - Arequipa - 1976
Detail of a pre-Inca fabric. Height 43 cm, width 29 cm. There are 15 motifs on the fabric, it measures 3.22 m by 1.57 m. - Museo Puruchuco - Lima - 1976
Detail of a pre-Inca fabric. There are 15 motifs on the fabric and it measures 3.22 m by 1.57 m. - Museo Puruchuco - Lima - 1976
Fabrics of wool and cotton - Mochica culture - Origin Chiquitoy, Trujillo - Museo Amano - Lima - 1976
Tissue of the Nazca Culture - Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima - 1977
Doll from Chancay - Height 35 cm - Private collection - Lima - 1976
Doll from Chancay - Height 34 cm - Private collection - Lima - 1976
Belt with male figures in cotton and wool - width 10,2 cm - Museo Amano - Lima - 1976
Chancay fabric with stylised personified animals - Height 22.5 cm - Width 8 cm - Museo Nacional de Antropología y Arqueología, Lima
Detail of a Tiahuanaco fabric, 160x62 cm, made of cotton and wool - Origin: Campanario, Huarmey - Amano Museum - Lima - 1976
Tiahuanaco warrior mummy from the coast - Nazca Valley - Regional Museum of Ica - 1976
Burial bundles of the coastal Tiahuanaco culture - Nazca Valley - 11th century - Regional Museum of Ica - 1976
Tiahuanaco fabric with four hands in red - Amano-Museum - Lima - 1976