Like the raven rattle mentioned earlier, this figurine was acquired on the Queen Charlotte Islands more than 100 years ago. Certain stylistic elements, however, indicate that it is of Heiltsuk origin. It is not known how the piece came into Haida possession. The figure might represent a mythical person riding on the water-blowing monster. It 'is likely that this is a curiosity made to be sold to white men. (41 cm; NMM)
NMM = National Museum of Man, Ottawa
Like the raven rattle mentioned earlier, this figurine was acquired on the Queen Charlotte Islands more than 100 years ago. Certain stylistic elements, however, indicate that it is of Heiltsuk origin. It is not known how the piece came into Haida possession. The figure might represent a mythical person riding on the water-blowing monster. It 'is likely that this is a curiosity made to be sold to white men. (41 cm; NMM)
NMM = National Museum of Man, Ottawa