55 - Anakom (Aïr). - The galloping oryx stand out from many graffiti. The small horse, near a man armed with a spear and shield, is also engraved by someone familiar with the equid world. At the bottom right, a man with a U-shaped head. Although of the same type as the previous one, the character on the left (0.75 m tall) has a "sun-shaped" head.
55 - Anakom (Aïr). - The galloping oryx stand out from many graffiti. The small horse, near a man armed with a spear and shield, is also engraved by someone familiar with the equid world. At the bottom right, a man with a U-shaped head. Although of the same type as the previous one, the character on the left (0.75 m tall) has a "sun-shaped" head.