149 - Oued Mathendous. In Habeter II. - Period of the "bubale". A large figure with an animal head and a tail is in a variation of the "Bès position". This ithyphallic figure is accompanied by a smaller replica placed to the right. The magical character of this scene is likely linked to fertility invocations, at a time when the Sahara was already threatened by drought. Note the beautiful ostrich at the center right. From the right foot to the tip of the ear: 1.08 m.
149 - Oued Mathendous. In Habeter II. - Period of the "bubale". A large figure with an animal head and a tail is in a variation of the "Bès position". This ithyphallic figure is accompanied by a smaller replica placed to the right. The magical character of this scene is likely linked to fertility invocations, at a time when the Sahara was already threatened by drought. Note the beautiful ostrich at the center right. From the right foot to the tip of the ear: 1.08 m.