228 - Tadrart Acacous. Teshouinat-Tagzelt. – A curious sight of two figures whose white tunics flare out at the bottom, possibly due to a rotating movement (?). A strange representation appears in the center, above the larger subject, who has suspended a round object from his left arm, which could be a shield. Noticeable ankle rings are visible here. The width from the right to the left tunic is 1.10 m.
228 - Tadrart Acacous. Teshouinat-Tagzelt. – A curious sight of two figures whose white tunics flare out at the bottom, possibly due to a rotating movement (?). A strange representation appears in the center, above the larger subject, who has suspended a round object from his left arm, which could be a shield. Noticeable ankle rings are visible here. The width from the right to the left tunic is 1.10 m.