422 - Jabbaren (Tassili-n'Ajjer). - A figure painted in white with a dark loincloth. It is accompanied by a small ungulate. In its hands, it holds what may be a “sickle” made of flint shards inserted into a mammal rib. It wears (?) some sort of headdress, and in front of it is an antelope. From the tail of the small antelope to the man's forehead: 0.27 m.
422 - Jabbaren (Tassili-n'Ajjer). - A figure painted in white with a dark loincloth. It is accompanied by a small ungulate. In its hands, it holds what may be a “sickle” made of flint shards inserted into a mammal rib. It wears (?) some sort of headdress, and in front of it is an antelope. From the tail of the small antelope to the man's forehead: 0.27 m.