619 - Oum Itouami (Tassili-n'Ajjer). - It seems the artist wanted to depict a hunting scene. A mouflon (?) is being attacked by three dogs. It has two arrows or two spears stuck in its body, and a spearman, who also carries a sword at waist level, is about to throw his weapon. The spearman is 0.14 m in height. Painting in red ochre.
619 - Oum Itouami (Tassili-n'Ajjer). - It seems the artist wanted to depict a hunting scene. A mouflon (?) is being attacked by three dogs. It has two arrows or two spears stuck in its body, and a spearman, who also carries a sword at waist level, is about to throw his weapon. The spearman is 0.14 m in height. Painting in red ochre.