429 - Jabbaren (Tassili-n'Ajjer). – The "Jabbaren cow," easily identifiable by its udder and morphology. The poor perspective shows a single horn projected too far forward. It is also possible the artist intended to depict an animal with just one horn. The line across the belly is not from the time of the painting. Perhaps the necklace also doesn’t belong to the same era. The body of the animal, outlined with a fine red ochre line, is particularly beautiful. From the front horn to the end of the tail: 0.32 m.
429 - Jabbaren (Tassili-n'Ajjer). – The "Jabbaren cow," easily identifiable by its udder and morphology. The poor perspective shows a single horn projected too far forward. It is also possible the artist intended to depict an animal with just one horn. The line across the belly is not from the time of the painting. Perhaps the necklace also doesn’t belong to the same era. The body of the animal, outlined with a fine red ochre line, is particularly beautiful. From the front horn to the end of the tail: 0.32 m.