455 - Ouan Bender (Tassili-n'Ajjer). – A splendid painted document that gives the exact vision of the shepherds responsible for the herds. The horns are exactly those still seen today in some regions of East Africa. Such a work deserves to be listed in the world heritage inventory. One must be grateful to the Algerian authorities for having restricted access to it. The polychrome tones enhance the high quality of the drawing. Panel represented: 0.82 m in width.
455 - Ouan Bender (Tassili-n'Ajjer). – A splendid painted document that gives the exact vision of the shepherds responsible for the herds. The horns are exactly those still seen today in some regions of East Africa. Such a work deserves to be listed in the world heritage inventory. One must be grateful to the Algerian authorities for having restricted access to it. The polychrome tones enhance the high quality of the drawing. Panel represented: 0.82 m in width.