469 - Ozeneare (Tassili-n'Ajjer). - The multiplicity of frescoes of bovines, in which males seem to dominate, raises many questions. The first concerns the significance of the vegetation cover, which itself suggests a humid episode capable of sustaining sufficient pasture. Then, one wonders how this herd contributed to the local economy. The Maasai or Fulani today do not act like Norman farmers. Finally, such a herd requires veterinary knowledge, if only to castrate the bulls.
469 - Ozeneare (Tassili-n'Ajjer). - The multiplicity of frescoes of bovines, in which males seem to dominate, raises many questions. The first concerns the significance of the vegetation cover, which itself suggests a humid episode capable of sustaining sufficient pasture. Then, one wonders how this herd contributed to the local economy. The Maasai or Fulani today do not act like Norman farmers. Finally, such a herd requires veterinary knowledge, if only to castrate the bulls.