609 - Tadras n'Ellias (Tassili-n'Ajjer). – This fresco presents the difficulty of interpreting rock art, as each occupation of the site is marked by a new layer of paintings or engravings over the previous ones. One thinks one can make out engraved bovids, a large animal painted in white, a fragment of white painting in the Séfar style, figures in dark ochre... But assigning each subject to a specific era proves difficult.
609 - Tadras n'Ellias (Tassili-n'Ajjer). – This fresco presents the difficulty of interpreting rock art, as each occupation of the site is marked by a new layer of paintings or engravings over the previous ones. One thinks one can make out engraved bovids, a large animal painted in white, a fragment of white painting in the Séfar style, figures in dark ochre... But assigning each subject to a specific era proves difficult.