629 - Terrarart (Tassili-n'Ajjer). - Four deeply engraved oxen with polished parts. Executed in the style of those from In-Debiren, using the natural relief of the rock to the fullest. The ox in the middle left is called "the crying cow" because it appears to have a tear running from its right eye. This engraving, at human height, is located on an isolated rock emerging from the sand in the Wadi Edjiriou. It is said that when the wadi flows, the "crying cow" dips its snout into the water. Dimension of the head, from forehead to nostrils: 0.60 m.
629 - Terrarart (Tassili-n'Ajjer). - Four deeply engraved oxen with polished parts. Executed in the style of those from In-Debiren, using the natural relief of the rock to the fullest. The ox in the middle left is called "the crying cow" because it appears to have a tear running from its right eye. This engraving, at human height, is located on an isolated rock emerging from the sand in the Wadi Edjiriou. It is said that when the wadi flows, the "crying cow" dips its snout into the water. Dimension of the head, from forehead to nostrils: 0.60 m.