446 - Ouan Bender (Tassili-n'Ajjer). - This photo and the following ones, up to 451, belong to the same shelter. Here we see a large mural that continues on the opposite page (photo 448). Several figures are depicted amidst scattered cattle. The small bovine located at the top, slightly to the right of the center, is the same one shown in the photo above (445). The panel is 2.85 m wide.
446 - Ouan Bender (Tassili-n'Ajjer). - This photo and the following ones, up to 451, belong to the same shelter. Here we see a large mural that continues on the opposite page (photo 448). Several figures are depicted amidst scattered cattle. The small bovine located at the top, slightly to the right of the center, is the same one shown in the photo above (445). The panel is 2.85 m wide.